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Housing Allowance

Young people can be supported to access a Home Stretch WA Housing Allowance that can assist them to afford a broader range of living arrangements, and includes an emphasis on providing them the skills and supports they need to secure and maintain safe and stable housing.

Housing Allowance Fund Flow Chart

Practice Tools & Resources

All the tools and resources needed to support a young person to access a Housing Allowance is in the table below.


You can filter by the Stage the resource is used in providing a young person with access to a Housing Allowance, or by the Document Type to easily find the one you want and click on the document's title to open the document. 

* Don't forget there are more Housing Allowance Resources on the Training page

Document Title & Link
Purpose of Document
Document Type
Housing Allowance - Flow Chart
Represents the steps involved in supporting a young person to access a Housing Allowance from the Department of Communities
Practice Guide (PG)
Housing Allowance - Fact Sheet - Young People
Information to provide to a young person explaining all about the Housing Allowance
Fact Sheet (FS)
Housing Allowance - Fact Sheet - Landlord
Information tp provide to a real estate property manger or landlord about the Housing Allowance
Fact Sheet (FS)
Housing Allowance - Practice Guidelines
Practice Guide for Transition Coaches to support a young person in accessing a Housing Allowance
Practice Guide (PG)
DoC Staying On Subsidy & Housing Allowance Financial Governance Policy
Department of Communities Financial Governance Policy on Staying Subsidy and Housing Allowance
DoC Policy/Guideline (DCP)
DoC Guidelines for Staying On Subsidy & Housing Allowance
Department of Communities Guidelines for Staying Subsidy and Housing Allowance
DoC Policy/Guideline (DCP)
Housing Allowance - Statement By Supplier Form
Form required by the Department of Communities to be completed by those who do not have an ABN and will be in receipt of a Housing Allowance
DoC Form (DCF)
Housing Allowance - Budget Sheet Example
Practical example of a budget for a young person incorporating Housing Allowance
Practice Tool (PT)
Housing Allowance - Payment Application Form
Application Form for a young person to access a Housing Allowance from the Department of Communities
DoC Form (DCF)
Housing Allowance - Living Together Agreement -Template
Template to use with young person who is entering into a living arrangement with other people. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of the living arrangement, and any house rules that may be in place.
Practice Guide (PG)
Housing Allowance - Notification of Housing Allowance Payment Approval Form
Form provided to recipient of the Housing Allowance payment to notify them it has been approved and processed
Form (FOR)
Housing Allowance - DoC - Community Disability Housing Program - Brochure
Information brochure on the Community Disability Housing Program
DoC Policy/Guideline (DCP)
Housing Allowance - DoC CDHP Application Form Single Applicant
DoC CDHP Application Form for Single Applicants
DoC Form (DCF)

Supporting Housing Allowance Resources 

Housing Pathway Planning Session Practice Guide & Checklist 










Housing Pathway Planning Tools- Examples 










Share Housing Resources 


Roofs for Youths Tenancy Education Booklets 

External Housing Information & Resources

Innovative Use of Housing Allowance Options 



Department of Communities Housing Information & Policy Links

Blurred Borders - Legal Aid WA

  • Tenancy Fact Sheets 

    • Easy to read information on a range of key legal tenancy messages and practical advice.                                          Topics include:

      • Starting a Tenancy - sign up process

      • Waitlist

      • Property Standards

      • Inspections - what to expect

      • Disruptive Behaviour​

      • Breach Notice

      • Reporting Family Violence

      • Legal Words - tenancy

Rooves for Youths

  • Roofs for Youths is a tool (R4Y) for facilitators to deliver tenancy education to young people. 

  • There are tools and resources for young people as well as facilitators.

Access R4Y Tools & Resources


The Home Stretch WA - Community of Practice would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we use.  We would like to pay our respects to our Elders past, present and emerging. We are privileged to be a part of the

longest living culture in the world.

Home Stretch WA

Feedback or Complaint Process for Young People participating in Home Stretch WA

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