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Transition Coaching

A consistent, persistent, reliable and skilled youth worker who works with young people to provide flexible, one-to-one support focused on coaching towards independence.


The Transition Coach works from a set of Practice Principles that ensures the support they provide is individualised, flexible and focused on building a young person’s self-reliance, skills, capacity and connection to community, culture and country. 


These Principles are the foundation of the Home Stretch WA service and underpin coaching practice in each area of the model, as co-designed by young people.

 Access the Practice Principles, by clicking on the document image to the right:

Transition Coaching 101 Training Slides  

Stages of Transition Coaching

Stages of Transition Coaching 

What is the most powerful tool that we have to drive change?

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A consistent, reliable, hope inducing relationship

This relationship is achieved through the following approach:

Each of these Transition Coaching Stages are explained in further detail below, along with tables containing some of the supporting practice tools that correspond to each stage.


Connecting with a person and their Support Circle. Purposefully building trust, safety and control through a professional helping relationship.

Supporting Practice Tools to Engage

Name of Tool & Link
Image of Tool
Supporting Guide & Link
Coaching Stage #
Engaging with Young People Practice Hour
Engaging with young people practice hour
Footprints Eco Map Tool


Building on accurate understanding of a person's situation, the challenges they face and their hopes for the future. Identifying and mapping strengths, resources, Support Circles and challenges.

Supporting Practice Tools to Understand


Supporting a person to develop their plan to achieve their goals using the strengths and resources available to them. Coordinating supports and resources and ensuring risks are managed respectfully.

Supporting Practice Tools to Plan


Helping a person to develop the skills, knowledge, supports, resources and motivation they need to achieve their goals. Advocating on a person's behalf to overcome systemic challenges.

Supporting Practice Tools to Empower

Name of Tool & Link
Image of Tool
Supporting Guide & Link
Coaching Stage #
Relective Practice - Feedback Informed Practice Questions

Additional Practice Tips for each Transition Coaching Stage are summarised below in easy access tip sheets.

Practice Tools and Resources

All the tools and resources a Transition Coach needs to support a young person participating in the Home Stretch WA program are in the table below.


You can filter by the Stage the resource is used by the Transition Coach in providing a young person with support or by the Document Type, to easily find the one you want and click on the document's title to open the document


* Don't forget there are more Transition Coaching Resources on the Training page

Document Title & Link
Purpose of Document
Document Type
Transition Coach - Stages - Flow Chart
Represents the Stages of Transition Coaching in a Home Stretch Program
Practice Guide (PG)
Transition Coach - Demand Management and Opt In Out
Describes one approach to managing caseloads and support needs for a Home Stretch Provider and referral demand in relation to the Opt in & Opt Out approcah of demand management
Practice Guide (PG)
Transition Coach - Practice Principles - Flash Cards
Practice Guide for Transition Coaches and how they should approach their work with young people. Co-designed through the Youth Advisory group and guided by feedback from young people and families participating in the Home Stretch Trial.
Practice Guide (PG)
Transition Coach - Nitja Nop Yorga Ngulla Mia - System Principles
Practice Guide for Transition Coach and Case Worker- Working together
Practice Guide (PG)
Transition Coach - Individual Support Summary Template
Practice Tool for coaches to use in summarising a the needs and goals of a young person
Practice Tool (PT)


The Home Stretch WA - Community of Practice would like to Acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we use.  We would like to pay our respects to our Elders past, present and emerging. We are privileged to be a part of the

longest living culture in the world.

Home Stretch WA


Feedback or Complaint Process for Young People participating in Home Stretch WA

Click Here

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